Sunday, February 28, 2010

You ate WHAT?!

The other night was Ladies' Night!

We experienced sushi--Marysia's favorite dish.  It was a fabulous time filled with family and fun!  I love spending time with my sisters as well as nieces and respective lady in-laws. We sincerely missed: 1 sister, 1 sister-in-law, and 1 niece-in law.  (Also missing were several nieces not quite age-eligible for Ladies' Night.)

Thanks, Ladies, for making it such a great night!

Note to self: Seaweed does not taste good in any form.

Birthday Boy

Baxter celebrated his 11th birthday last week!  We had a great time with the two-part celebration.  First up was home-made dinner and cake (we had to get creative with the candles)

along with a school activity--Zoomania.

Then yesterday we went to the cinema for a showing of The Lightening Thief!  We also dined out at Applebee's. 

Baxter had a great time and appreciated all the birthday wishes.  Thanks, everyone!


On February 17th we celebrated 100 years of scouting at the blue and gold banquet! My boys worked so hard to get where they are now in scouts.

Zander moved up to bears in December, but due to timing, they didn't publicly welcome him until this night.

Baxter celebrated his last night in Cub Scouts. He received so many awards I lost count, but the most important was his Arrow of Light!

(Syler had fun celebrating with them.)

Congratulations, Boys. I'm so proud of you both!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


How is it that we're already into month two of 2010?

January went by in a blur, mostly because Spencer got his annual illness and had to take a week off. Don't worry, Zander and Syler kept him company during his drug riddled vacation from work. Baxter and I were the only ones to remain healthy--thanks in large part to the vitamins and Airborne we took daily.

I'm pretty sure any resolutions we made for the new year have been left forgotten by the wayside. I know mine periodically scamper through my mind only to be shoved aside by habit and, let's face it, hunger.

On a happy note, my sister, Audra, brought a miracle into this world! I'm extremely excited to enjoy the rest of this year (and many more to come) getting to know Sweet Alda Mae! What a perfectly healthy, BEAUTIFUL baby girl.
Audra definitely deserves such a blessing in her life. Congratulations, Audra.